How a Coffee Program Can Save Your Business

Learn how adding a coffee program to your offerings can be a way to create additional revenue.
Coffee has a way of connecting people. This drink is the world's second most consumed beverage, and for a good reason. Selling coffee has potential to increase your revenue, and draw attention to other products you sell even if you don't offer food or beverages already. You may be missing out on an opportunity to get the regular set of patrons you've been missing with your business already. We share some reasons why you should consider adding a coffee program to your business, and some simple ways to get it started.
Coffee Programs Create Community
As we said before, a lot of people drink coffee. For cafe goers, many of them return to their favorite places several times a week to get their daily fix. For business owners of more specific products, offering coffee may be a way to bring repeat customers to their businesses. Coffee is also an incredibly social environment. Bringing a coffee program to your business also gives you a chance to create a welcoming space where people can come together to connect. You'll begin to see familiar faces, and you'll also get an added level of hospitality at your business. You'll be able to connect with patrons over more than just coffee, but who you are as a person.
Often time, community groups and gatherings like to host events or meetings at coffee shops. If you sell coffee, your business may also become one of these meeting grounds, attracting an even larger customer base. A coffee program is a way to make your space more than just a place for selling items, but a place where community can connect. Bonus points if your current offerings reflect a subject that people like to bond over as well, such as outdoors sports or books.
Coffee is a Humane Business
Coffee is an industry filled with people who seek positive change in their communities. People hold more and more businesses accountable for their actions nowadays. They demand transparency in their products, and want sustainable goods made by people who receive a living wage. Therefore, selling coffees supplied by humanitarian businesses will also show your own dedication and commitment to being a better business.
Coffee Validates Your Offerings
When you create a coffee community, you also include yourself as a part of that community. People love to frequent businesses with the friendliest owners. Or, those whom they see are passionate and knowledgeable about their products. If you put in the work you need to establish a great coffee program, there is also a good chance that people will trust you to sell other items.
Coffee Starts Conversations
Having a coffee program opens up more conversations to be had over more than just coffee. Opportunities to discuss your other products may happen while you're preparing their beverage, while you're ringing up customers, or while they're drinking coffee. While a customer has the ability to shop through a store without talking to anyone, it is somewhat unavoidable to interact with someone serving them coffee. They have no choice but to chat with you during their transaction, which may give you a better understanding of what they may be interested in at your shop.
Coffee Programs Bring Constant Business
A lot of business owners experience periods of slowness in the nature of what they're selling. For example, if they sell winter sports equipment, it will definitely be quieter in the summer. An ice cream store, on the other hand, is packed during the summer and inconsistent in the winter. Since coffee can be served both hot and iced, it is a beverage that is relevant year round. A coffee program will ensure that you'll always have some revenue coming in no matter what time of the year it is.
Where Do I Get Started?
There is a considerable amount of work involved to get a coffee program started. It takes time to learn about the proper way to brew coffee. You must also factor in the skill of ordering the right amount of product based on consumer demand. Finally, you need to purchase equipment. While it may be a little intimidating to get your setup, it will definitely get easier in the long run. There are so many resources out there to help you with all of these initial hurdles. The rewards you gain afterwards are absolutely worth it.
Most people like to start off with three simple pieces of equipment to get their coffee program started. These are an espresso machine, a drip coffee maker, and a coffee grinder. All three of these items, however, are incredibly customizable. When trying to decide things like how big, expensive, or high tech your items should be, consider the space in which you will be selling. Wouldn't a giant four-group head espresso machine look a little silly in a small clothing store? Also take into account the volume you may be expecting for coffee.
The coffee beans themselves are another incredibly customizable (and fun!) part of the experience. Coffee beans come from a variety of countries across Asia, Latin America, and Africa. You can also customize which beans you prefer based on dark roast, medium, or light. This is another item that you will want to consider volume when purchasing because beans should be used within three weeks of the time it got roasted.
You could have the nicest equipment and the most expensive roasted coffee. However, if you're not brewing it the right way, it could all go to waste. Coffee is like baking, in that brewing it requires weighing it for coffee "recipes." Luckily, there are countless resources on the web and in local communities. Many people are around to help you learn about how to use your equipment the right way, and how to select beans based on what your customers prefer. Try seeing if a wholesale provider offers a training program, or consider getting a coffee skills certification from the Specialty Coffee Association.
Conclusion: A Coffee Program is Worth It
Adding a coffee program is not only a way to increase revenue, but a chance for customers too connect with your brand on a personal level. Coffee is also a fun hobby that many people have adopted in the last few years. You may find yourself geeking out too over this popular and well-loved beverage!